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It’s fashion week once again! I was privileged to have watched the SM Menswear show last Wednesday and I must say, I was very impressed. From the execution to the styling, everything was very fun and entertaining. It was really enjoyable to watch.I loved these two formal looks! If I were a guy, I’d probably dress this way. Sleek like a boss!This guy reminded Celine and I of Christian Grey, the infamous protagonist from the cult favorite 50 Shades of Grey. Before you start judging me, I just want to say that I didn’t really get to finish the first book. I picked it up out of sheer curiosity, and as they say, curiosity killed the cat. In this case, the cat was my innocence/ignorance. LOL Bumped into my friend Jerrinah who introduced me to one of her close friends, Randz, whose face might be familiar to you guys. He’s the guy behind randzomeness.com, and I really really like his style. Now back to the show, they even had an interactive screen that reflected the dancer’s every action. It was way cool! Yey technology!:D With my friends/coworkers Celine, Jai, and Ms Rose. With yet another awesome friend, Joseph! You can see the sparkle of my necklace in this photo! Thanks, Personalized Accessories! It’s still one of my fave necklaces to date.

Dress from Topshop; Necklace from Personalized Accessories; Hello Kitty Earrings from Lil Amore Shoppe

To cap off this long post, here’s a fan photo of us with Daniel Matsunaga, who also modeled for the show. :3Ciao!